Thursday, February 18, 2010

How Clean Is Our Water After Montserrat's Ash?

With the large amounts of ash being dumped on our beautiful islands from the Soufriere Hills Volcano in Montserrat, has the Nevis Island Administration or the Nevis Water Department done anything to inform the public about what effects the resultant ash may have on our water supply.

The contamination from volcanic ash is mainly high turbidity and acidity, the turbidity is as a result of the chemicals that the volcanic ash is made up of, which in itself causes the PH level to drop. Chemicals such as sulphur dioxide/sulphur etc.

NWD should be putting in place carbon filters through which the islands water should pass before going to the households. These Carbon (Charcoal) filters are very effective in cleaning the contaminants mentioned above.

So the question begs, what are those in a position of authority doing to protect the citizens of our fair island?

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